Weekly Reminder – 15th June 2021

Starting the 2021-22 season
Winter Cup – clubs enter online
Entries close this Friday 18th June
Each club can put in multiple entries

1-5 Mens and Womens Singles – Rescheduled
This tournament will be held of 19 – 20 June
Check the website for the latest COP and Draws.  There is a new version up

Open AC 2-4-2 Pairs
Thanks to Waimauku, Mairangi Bay and Orewa for hosting this tournament.
Another BIG thanks to Orewa who made their covered green available all day
on Sunday and served some excellent food, including delicious cake baked by
Kevin Davey.
Thanks to umpires Murray West, Raewyn Parker, Dave Pownall and Jenny
Thanks to Maureen Taylor for event direction

Another great Saturday coaching with 30 players there for coaching last
The next session will be next Saturday morning 19th June at the Orewa
covered green between 9 -12pm.
Please encourage all your members to attend, especially your new juniors.
Players do not have to notify their attendance in advance, just pitch at
Orewa each day
The daily cost will be $5

Team Management Convenor for Women 1-5 Representatives
Attached is a request to be passed on to all members.  Those interested in
this position should contact Lesley on bowls@bowlsnorthharbour.co.nz

AGM and AWARDS Day 27th JUNE
This year will be a special  awards day.  We celebrate 20 years of holding
the Awards Ceremony
Please let the office know how many of your members will be attending the
awards as early as possible, by the 18th June at the latest
The AGM will start at 11.00 am at Birkenhead, downstairs
The Awards ceremony will start at 1.00 pm at Birkenhead upstairs.

North Island Greenkeeper’s Conference 2021 – 27-29 June 2021
The Board of BNH encourages all greenkeepers and club officers with
responsibility for the greens at their clubs to register and attend this
course. Keeping our natural greens in top order is paramount and it is
especially relevant this season with the National Inter-Centre tournament
scheduled to be held on North Harbour greens. Up to 16 greens will be
required to host the tournament itself. So it is a vested interest that
green-keepers and superintendents be encouraged to attend the course to
update themselves on the latest information and knowledge to keep our greens
in top order.

WorkSafe New Zealand Requirements – Bowling Clubs.

URGENT ATTENTION REQUIRED! (editor note – Mairangi Bay has this underway)
This is a reminder to all clubs who have not yet  done the following:
Please see attached an important memo from Bowls NZ CEO Mark Cameron which
outlines the requirement of clubs to take action to self-assess and report
against the legal requirements of their greenkeeping shed(s). The attached
compliance document will need to be printed and then used to complete the
The Bowling Club Agrichemical Management Warrant of Fitness will assist
your club to identify all the legal requirements, and any identify if there
are any issues.

(i)     undertake the self-assessment process and fix any problems that are
apparent, and
(ii)   complete and return (scan & email or post) the self-assessment
document to Steve Beel (details below) showing that the club complies in ALL
facets of agrichemical management

The attached memo also lists key people who can be contacted to answer any
questions or otherwise assist you to complete this assessment.

If your club does not have any chemicals / sprays / fertilisers, please
complete the self-assessment form accordingly and provide an explanation as
to why this is the case; e.g. Artificial green(s) / no chemicals / sprays /
fertiliser stored at the club / other.