You are currently viewing Haggle Results – Saturday 3 October 2020

The club was buzzing on Saturday with 24 players in the afternoon Haggle, two greens playing out the qualifying rounds of the Consistency Singles and the club house being decorated for a private function for 90 plus guests.

Conditions were perfect with the normal October breezes staying away for now.

Congratulation to John Miles and Pam O’Connor for taking out the top spot in the Saturday PM Haggle.

1st John Miles & Pam O’Connor 3W 14E
2nd David Payne & Flora McDonald 3W 13E
3rd Ric Lydford & Rosemary Nichol 2W 13E
4th Brian Rogers & Dave Hope 2W 11E

Many thanks to Russell Parkinson running the event on the day and to all those behind the scenes setting things up and tidying up after the event.