The Harcourts 2 day tournament was held on Thursday and Friday, 20 & 21 April and with doubtful weather reports. However we only lost the last game on the last day.  No doubt this Fours game of 6 points would have changed some of the results but we have a winner.

1st place went to David Eades, David Payne, Evan Thomas and Tira Campbell—27 Game Pts-119 Pts scored

2nd place went toTony Popplewell, Keith Berman, Steve McGregor and Jo Baxter—27–113
3rd place went to Murray Radojkovich, Brian Rogers, David Lloydd and Glenda Rountree—24—115
4th place went to Bart Robertson, Wendy Jensen, Grant Keats and Ian Hardy—24—113
5th place went to Bruce Hickman, Bruce & Linda Fenton and Ian Dee—22–85

First day winners Shaun Goldsbury team with 18–62
2nd were the Tony Stanaway team with 15—46
2nd day winners,  Neil Fishers team with 12–46,
and Wayne Glogoskis team—9—56

AFTER MATCH proceedings were conducted by Sandra Coombe who thanked all the helpers who go to make this event our showcase of the season especially Harcourts for their generous sponsorship.