A great day for bowls and was reflected in the 31 people who enjoyed playing in the Skintel Jackpot Pairs.

With late entries coming in and the odd member arriving without booking, some games had to be two bowl triples but everyone accepted the odd change and thoroughly enjoyed the fun and humour of this event.

No jackpots were struck with George Durbridge missing out on picking the Joker and the triples team of Phyl Humphries, Glenda Rountree & Joy Watkinson having the right differential but drawing the minus ball instead of the plus.

The “show and tell” raffle was a success however Helen Aley wasn’t too sure about picking the bag with the toilet seat cover.

The Skintel Joker Jackpot now Stands at $200 and the Skintel Pairs Differential Jackpot has reached $250
Next game is 2nd July