That doesn’t happen that often.  Usually the rain comes in and we don’t even get to start.  Today, what started out as another great Autumn day turned into rain and so we got through to lunch, then started the third game before the greens started to puddle and the day had to be shortened.  Good call by David Pearse as it was getting rather uncomfortable out in the steady rain.

So with three completed games we had three teams with three wins.

Congratulations to Tony Trent, Steve McGregor and Lorna Donald on being the champions of the day..

1st – 3 Wins, 16 Ends, 30 Points – Tony Trent, Steve McGregor & Lorna Donald
2nd – 3W, 15E, 28P – Bruce McClintock, Bart Robertson & David Eades
3rd – 3W, 13E, 32P – Bob Telfer, Gaye Horne & Phil Chisholm
4th – 2W, 15E, 32P – Larry Cain, Glenda Rountree & Bruce Aley
5th – 2W, 12E, 31P – David Payne, Evan Thomas & Ian Hardy
am prize – Rick Gaudin, Derek Brien & Keith Stevens (from Milford)
pm prize – Alan Telfer, Geraldine Wight & Garth Partridge
Lucky dip – George Jones, John Gledhill & Graham McGregor

Stay safe everyone and enjoy your bowls or holidays over the Easter weekend.