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An Update from the Board.

It seems an age since we were able to participate in the sport that we all love, however lets be positive as it seems we will be able to recommence some sort or play once we reach level 2.

Prior to the lock down several members of your club met with Harcourts Cooper & Co to discuss their ongoing relationship with the club. I was a very good meeting with a commitment from Harcourts to continue with their current level of sponsorship. In addition Harcourts suggested that they increase their support and take the naming rights for 3 years to the new carpet green, plus replace the existing green standalone seats, which have become very dilapidated, with new Harcourts blue seats. Leon Wech gave us a quote of $440 each to build replacement seats which compared very favourably with over $1000 to purchase readymade seats.
With 10 seats needing replacing the total cost was $4400. Leon has built these seats during lockdown and they are now at the club.

As a result of the changed economic circumstance, Harcourts are reviewing the level of their increased commitment to the club. At this stage it looks like they will retain the naming rights to the green but they have definitely said they will not now be able to pay for the seats.
As a consequence of the club having committed to the expense of the seats, and the promised funding now withdrawn, we would like to ask club members to consider sponsoring a seat.
The opportunity is therefore for club members to sponsor a seat, anonymously if preferred; as a memorial to a past member; or as a donation from a current member(s).
If your support is done anonymously then the donation to sponsor a seat is $440. Otherwise we will have an acknowledgement plaque, with wording agreed by the donor, prepared and attached to the seat. In this case the total donation would be $500, which includes the plaque.

This is an extremely good way to support your club and for your support to be of benefit to all members. Like all organizations we have been adversely affected by the lock down and our upcoming season will have its challenges. We would welcome your consideration of this request. If you can assist please contact Stuart Jamieson (anonymously if preferred) or any board member.

Thank You
Stuart Jamieson