Jackpot Pairs of Friday the 11th was a beauty.
We learnt about farming in Hokitika!!
We played in serene stifling heat, the gentle breeze a pleasure, BUT the music was great and everyone enjoyed the afternoon.
First prize 2 wins and HEAPS of points went to Ian Hardy and Colin Rogan
2nd place was jointly shared
The Minor Jackpot of $50 won by Phyl and Grahame after about 8 draws’ to find a winner.
The Jackpot was NOT struck and therefore will be worth $200 next time.
Goldfinger Superpot was drawn to Kevin Cameron and his partner (Kevin’s second chance at this), BUT alas no luck so the Superpot increases to $560 when next played. (Could be this coming Thursday when the Aussies are here)
Book your team NOW or single entry for Friday 25th January.
Remember the Jackpot is now $200 and anyone can WIN.
Kind Regards,
Ric Lydford