If you haven’t been down to the Club for a while then what about going for a walk or a drive to view the incredible changes that have been taking place in the last little while.

We have a newly painted club room roof, thanks to the Contractors but in addition we have newly painted bench seats around the greens, painted external window frames, freshly water blasted fences & new look shelters around the carpet green.

Inside we have a dramatically upgraded women’s toilet & a sparkling clean kitchen.

The list of contributors to all these is long:                                                                                                                                Spearheaded by Colleen Rice, Gaye Horne, Rick George & Stuart MacKay.                                                                    Then come all the support people :  Bob Mullen, Rick Dixon, Glyn Taylor, Bill Lowe, Barry Butcher, Brian Nolan, Graeme McGregor, Kevin Robertson, Kevin Cameron, Barry McCrystal, Arthur Beale, Michael Thomas, Glenda Rountree, Joy Watkinson & Jane MacKay, Stuart’s wife.

Thanks to you all from the Board on behalf of  all Club Members