Hello Members
A few items to keep you informed of things going on.
A warm welcome to new members Christine Paterson, Trish Hodgson and Jean Van der Vorst. All three have competed in Business House Bowls and as new BHB Plus members, we look forward to their participation in half-day tournaments and coaching and the social side of the club. Good bowling to you all.
For some time the Board has been concerned about the height of the trees/shrubs behind Mayfair green. They have grown quite high and now totally screen the view of the green from Ramsgate Terrace. Previously the public could stop and watch bowling in action and possibly attract new members?
Reflecting that, the Board is engaging the services of a landscape gardener to carry out some selective pruning/ removal of the offending trees. This will happen during autumn.
The appointment of the club’s selectors for representative teams is a Board function and selectors are confirmed at the AGM. We usually have a selector squad of four people.
Members are invited now to put their names forward to the Board [either individually or as a squad of four] before the AGM [29 June]for consideration and compiling the club’s selectors for the coming season.
A reminder that this is scheduled for Friday, 17 May commencing at 1.00pm. There will be a rollup commencing at that time followed by afternoon tea around 3.00pm. Prizegiving will be about 3.30pm.
If rain prevents any bowling then afternoon tea followed by prizegiving will start at 3.00pm.
Our AGM is on Saturday, 29 June at 9.30am in the clubrooms.
This is an opportunity for members to review the year ending 30 April and to raise any matters you think necessary for discussion.
It is also the time when officers of the club are appointed. Members are invited to put their names forward to fill various positions. Please give some thought to this as new blood is always welcome. There are plenty of areas within the administration of the club for members to get involved.
A formal Notice of Annual General Meeting will be notified to members nearer the time.