Advice received from Bowls North Harbour regarding entry into Bowls New Zealand and Bowls North Harbour events.

BowlsHub Aotearoa

Good Afternoon

We trust this email finds you well and looking forward to a busy bowling season.

Could we please ask that in your next communication to your Club Members, that you advise them about the following information regarding BowlsHub Aotearoa and the requirement for competitive players are as follows:-

BowlsHub Aotearoa is an online event/member management system that is being implemented for the forthcoming season.  BNH have been using BowlsHub Aotearoa for all tournaments since the Champ of Champs in parallel with our standard manual event management.

All players who wish to compete in centre and national events, will need to create a login to BowlsHub Aotearoa ( and profile, which in turn, will give you a player ID number, that will be required when entering all centre and national tournaments.

The process is straight forward and only requires an email address to do this.

Should a player not have an email address, they will need to speak directly with their Club, who will provide assistance.

If your Club requires assistance or more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards

Michelle Kean
Centre Manager
Bowls North Harbour

214 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa,
Auckland 0932
Postal: PO Box 82, Orewa,
Auckland 0946

Phone: +64 27 235 9864