Our club takes the responsibility of ensuring we have good health and safety practices in place very seriously.

Our objective is firstly to reduce the risk of injury occurring anywhere on our club premises and facilities, and secondly to be ready to assist anyone injured while at our club.

All members carry that responsibility for themselves and for others such as our friends and family, our clubmates and guests at our club.

I have accepted the role of Health and Safety officer for the Mairangi Bay Bowling Club, and I am happy to announce our programme of work to improve our readiness and capability to carry out these responsibilities.

Firstly, I would like all club members to give serious thought to what risks of accident we face at our club. Think not just about our bowling activities. Think about our social activity, the use of the premises and even the car park.

I need you to send me your opinion of those risks by January 14th 2024. Please use email, and address those emails to

When I have all your input I will review our work programme and our facilities and medical skills to decide what changes we should make.

Next we will announce in January a session where we will review our practises when an injury occurs, and when and how to use our medical supplies and our defibrillator. All are welcome at this session, but we especially need everyone who has any level of medical training to attend. This session will be in February and the invitation to attend will be sent out at the end of January.

Once these two steps have given us the input we need we will produce a Health and Safety plan document to be used whenever an accident occurs. To learn what other clubs have already done I will get input and advice from NZ bowls and directly from other clubs.

If you have any ideas on risks or actions we should be including in our H&S plan do not hesitate to give them to me.

Jim Center
Health and Safety Officer
Mairangi Bay Bowling Club.