EASTER MONDAY – The weather again played its part and provided a beautiful fine afternoon for the annual Easter Monday tournament at the club.

There were 31 players who came to try their luck at the game and about the same number stayed on afterwards for a meal together.

There were some challenges around the scoring during the three rounds in the afternoon but once the players understood the rules there were some great bowls played with great results. For example, with triple power play points available in one round, one team managed to score 24 points in one end having all their eight bowls closer to the jack than any one bowl of the opposing team.

The games were also speeded up with the jack in each case being placed rather than delivered.

There were plenty of prizes on stake too, not the least of which included a number of the Easter goodies. The main prize winners were Muy Chhour with 3 wins and 99 points followed by Gordon Jenkins with 3 wins and 82 points and Theresa Rogers 3 wins and 69 points.