22 intrepid souls turned up for a cold, showery and blustery afternoon of 2 – 4 – 2 bowls on Saturday. The random sun showers did not deter bowlers from completing the 3 games, but the new heat pump in the clubroms was very welcome afterwards.
Results are as follows:
1. David Payne and Peter Pritchard 3 Wins, 13 ends, 33 – 6 points
2. David Tripp and Annie McGrath 3 Wins, 11 ends, 23 – 10 points
3. Les Boulton and Jane Mackay 2 Wins, 12 ends, 22 – 12 points
4. John Smith and Bill Lowe 2 Wins, 12 ends, 21 – 11 points
Lucky Dip: Garth Partridge, Helen Bartley and Roger Potter.
Note: The next Haggle will be Sunday 28 May as Bowls North Harbour Centre needs the carpet green next Saturday for the Women’s 1-5 Year Singles Champion of Champion competition.

Centuria-Baileys Winter Haggle League update.
Last Saturday saw the 5th round of the Winter Haggle league and our first bonus points awarded for playing 5 rounds in a row.
David Tripp picked up 4 points for 2nd place plus a bonus 5 for playing 5 weeks in a row and leaps to the lead.
Graham Ward is the only other player who has played 5 in a row and has leapfrogged through the field to 3rd place thanks to his bonus points. There were a lot of players who did 4 in a row but didn’t make the five.
Two players are in line for a 5 point bonus this Sunday – is it you?
And speaking of bonus points this weeks SUNDAY round is worth double points so get your names in. 10 points for first, 8 for 2nd etc down to 2 points just for turning up.
18 points – David Tripp
15 points – Peter Orgias
14 points – Graham Ward
13 points – Graeme Storey, Jane Mackay, John Smith
12 points – Steve Bartley, Dave Hope
11 points – David Payne
10 Points – Annie McGrath