Lots of sun and plenty of layers of clothing shed on this lovely autumn day of bowls on the Harcourt’s Community carpet green. What a day for bowls and what a day for the only four winning team of David Eades, Evan Thomas and David Payne. Congratulations on winning the day.

1st – 4 Wins, 20 Ends, 40 Points – David Eades, Evan Thomas & David Payne
2nd – 3.5W, 22E, 48P – Chris Taylor, Murray Mathieson & Jan Calcott
3rd – 3W, 21E, 49P – Phil Chisholm, Colleen Rice & Theresa Rogers
4th – 3W, 19E, 39P – Leon Wech, Colin Rogan & Bruce McClintock
am prize – Russell Parkinson, John Smith & Annie McGrath
pm prize – Jan Gledhill, Sheryl Wellington & Robyne Pittams
Lucky Dip – Geoff Ladd, Flora McDonald & John Gledhill