What a superb afternoon of bowls under the best of Auckland’s winter sunshine.

We learnt about the Catholic history of Loos and the Miracle of the water in the Cathedral. No cost was charged for this enthralling information. Oh!! YES!! much more is to learnt from these Friday afternoon bowls. You should be there.  To win some cash is a bonus!!!

We had a 2 winner and a 1 winner and a WORST no winner which we will not name and shame.
BUT, Splash the Cash Friday was NOT won and Jackpots to $120 next week
Also, the Super Jokerpot of $120 was NOT struck and Jackpots to $180 next week.

So a BAG of CASH is up for grabs on FRIDAY the 26th.  Entry sheet in glass cabinet.

Ric is away so Sandra will call the play.

Please note that the SPLASH for CASH after 26 th June will be on SUNDAY 12th JULY start at 1.00pm. This is because Centre has our Greens for Winter cup during July.  The sheet will be in glass cabinet after the Friday 26th game.