Roving Reporter Phyl Humphries provides the following report:

It was a shame that although ten people were eligible to play in the Women’s Junior Champ Pairs, for various reasons only four were able to do so.   However, the two teams that did play played some very competitive bowls.

With only two teams it was ‘the best of three’.  

The first game went to Trish Hardy and Gayle 16/8. 
The second to Colleen and Theresa 11/10 and the final and deciding game also went to Colleen and Theresa 16/12. 
The first two games were played to 15 ends and the final 18 ends by mutual agreement.   Had the final game also stopped at 15 ends the result then would have been 12 all.  One game each and a draw!   You couldn’t get much closer than that.   However, it didn’t and the overall winners were Colleen and Theresa with two wins out of three.

Well done to both teams and “Thank You” for agreeing to play and making a good contest of it.