The selectors are looking for players for the Interclub 7`s to be played on Saturday/Sunday 2/3rd March and Saturday 9th March. (Reserve day Sunday 10th Feb)

 We need names NO LATER than Wednesday, 14TH  February.  Please add your names to the list down in the clubhouse.

You can also phone or text Alan Daniels – 4791489 or 0272900127, or email
or Colleen Rice 0273836582,  email .

Bowls North Harbour Men’s and Women’s Interclub 7`s

A separate event will be played for each gender.
There will be two events for each gender.  Division 1 and Division 2.
We can enter one side of each gender in Division 1 and up to two sides of each gender in Division 2.
Each side will consist of one singles player, one pairs team and one fours team.

Alan Daniels, Leon Wech, Allan Langley, Colleen Rice and Sheryl Wellington.