Now that our Club Rooms are back up and running, we can look ahead to all of the planned events for the season.

We have a very full calendar with many events requiring some tea-making/pouring assistance. This is especially true when our greens are used by the Centre.  John Gledhill has kindly volunteered to set up the kitchen on the mornings of Centre events, but we do need someone to be on hand to make and pour cups of tea for the players.

Ideally, we could have a small group of volunteers who could be called upon to manage the cups of tea for such occasions. It’s not onerous and not a regular commitment. If you feel this is some way you can contribute to the club could you please talk to John Gledhill.

The Centre are using our greens for the Masters tournaments on Monday and Wednesday, October 2 & 4.  If you are not entered into these events could you please consider giving a couple of hours between 9 am & 2.00 pm  on either day.  John would be very relieved to hear from you. His phone number is 479-4133 or email

Sandra would also like someone who is not playing in the Silverfin 5’s once a month on a Tuesday to assist Noelene with making & pouring cups of tea at morning tea time –approximately 10.30am & again at 12.45pm. There are only 5 Silverfin events in the season & the dates are in the handbook. If you are able to assist please email me or text on 021  647 389.

We have a great club and we are all volunteers. Whether you are a new member or an old(er) bowler, if everyone contributes in some small way it makes for a happy & smoothly run club. I like the old adage ‘the more you put into something the more you get out of it’.

John & I look forward to hearing from you.