We only had a small field of teams as a number of people are either on holiday or playing elsewhere. There were no 4 winners; first with 3 wins, 35 ends & 55 points was David Eades, Brian Rogers & Theresa Rogers; second with 3 wins, 32 ends & 57 points was Leon Wech, Stuart Jamieson & Colleen Rice; third with 3 wins, 31 ends & 64 points was Allan Langley, Jan Gledhill & Phil Chisholm. The lucky dip went to our team from Hobsonville; Mark Batley, Hanaan Shahwan & Rob Hooper.
Angie Brown from Arvida Living presented the prizes & talked about how badly Park Lane Retirement Village has been affected by the recent floods – 34 villas flooded, a number of apartments, the recreation centre, the dining room, the kitchens and it might take up to 12 months to fix things.
Don’t forget to enter your teams for next month.