You are currently viewing Saturday Haggle Results – 10 August 2019

Although the forecast for the afternoon was for torrential rain and some hail, the haggle went ahead as the morning skies were clear and the sun was shining.

In what is proving to be a very popular format, three games of 2-4-2, the results this week were very unusual in that there were 3 three winner teams.

The team of Les Boulton and Mike Wilkinson shone through with 3 wins, 14 ends and 33 points.

In second place were Tony Trent and Mur Chhour with 3 wins, 14 ends and 29 points.

And in third place with 3 wins, 13 ends and 35 points were Con Cater and Gayle Wilkinson.

Play was completed in fine sunny conditions and as we headed into the clubhouse the skies opened with heavy rain.  Luckily Russell Parkinson was able to do his usual brilliant best in getting the bar open.