On Friday 9th February the annual State of Origin half day event was held.  Forty participants, including some of our newer members, which was good to see took part.  Everyone in some way wore their colours.  The fashion statement of the day went to Annie who was wearing a knotted handkerchief on her head, this being a truly British seaside accessory. Sadly we do not have a photo.

Twelve teams were organised based on their Origin, although due to odd numbers two Barbarian (mixed) teams were created.  After three games everyone headed for a quenching drink at the bar and many players and guests enjoyed a delicious Chinese meal.

The winning teams were:-

1st British Lions Team 1        Jan Gledhill, Jo Baxter, John Miles, Bill Lowe

2nd Crusaders                        Tony Popplewell, Graeme McGregor, Debbie Coffey

3rd Barbarians Team 1           Ian Coombe, Geoff Ladd, Gary Coffey